Friday, May 17, 2013

A Change in Scenery

Being home is different this time. For the first time in my life, I'm coming back for the summer. It's like I'm taking a vacation to my own house. Rules are different, friends are different, restaurants are different-- but it's still just as hot!

It's odd at the moment because a lot of my friends are seniors in high school and aren't out quite yet, and I'm realizing just how much more limited I am in my selection of people to socialize with now than I was in Waco. I've made the most out of the past few days, but already, on day four, I'm bored. I never realized that even though I complain about class and always want to take naps when I'm up at school, all that work is a necessary filler to what are otherwise dreadfully long days that when unoccupied by some sort of activity become almost depressing.

 I don't mind not sleeping much at night, because my schedule gives it to me in short breaks. Activity, nap, lunch, activity, nap, activity, activity, dinner, activity, activity, bedtime. Usually during school I don't sleep until 1 or 2 a.m. Last night I went to bed at 10. It felt good, but at the same time, it felt so wrong- like I was wasting time that I could be using for something much more satisfying.

I have a solid circle of friends that I do most of my day-to-day things with, both at school and in Houston. But I also have a lot of other contacts that are huge parts of my life by being people I can see every now and then, have fresh conversations with, do new things with, and laugh about different things with. I value each and every one of those people, and they aren't nearly as numerous back home as they are in Waco. Sometimes I find myself missing those fresh faces more than people I've known for a long time, because in the back of my mind I know that when I see my closest friends nothing will have changed, but the others will bring some element of surprise.

I just got back home, and I've already fallen into a groove that I cannot wait to break out of. Sometimes all I ask for is a Change in Scenery.

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